• 规格尺寸:2.5英寸SSD
  • 连接口:SATA 3.0
  • 容量:960GB*
  • 顺序读取速度:可高达 550 MB/s**
  • 顺序写入速度:可高达 500 MB/s**
  • 支持TRIM&S.M.A.R.T技术
  • 保修:3年保修 或 600TBW有限保修

注意:* 1GB=10亿字节,实际容量会依规格及使用状况而有所差异。
** 速度基于内部测试的理论性能。实际性能可能有所不同。
Performance . Stability
GIGABYTE Solid State Drive
Solid State Drive VS. Traditional Hard Drive
SSD 2.5"
Shock resistant up to 1500g/0.5ms
NAND Flash Memory
HDD 3.5"
Shock resistant up to 350g/2ms
R/W Head
Actuator Arm
Actuator Axis
  1. Performance
  2. Power Consumption
  3. Vibration Resistance
  4. Noise
  5. Heat Produced
  6. Solid State Drive
  7. Faster
  8. Lower
  9. Better
  10. No
  11. Lower
  12. Traditional Hard Drive
  13. Slower
  14. Higher
  15. Lower
  16. Yes
  17. Higher
SSD Tool Box
The newly updated SSD Tool Box is an application that helps users monitor SSD Status, provides general information such as model name, FW version, health condition, drive optimization and also detects sensor temperature. Moreover, users can clear all the data with the Secure Erase function. You can download the SSD Tool Box from the Support.
SSD tool box function may vary by model
Reliability You Can Trust - 3 Years Limited Warranty
GIGABYTE SSDs possess both high data transferring speed and enhanced endurance, providing durable MTBF* of 2.0 million hours and 3 years or 600 TBW** limited warranty***.
* MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure): Measure of how reliable a hardware product or component is.
** TBW (Terabyte Written): the total amount of data that can be written into an SSD before it is likely to fail.
*** 3 years or 600 TBW, whichever comes first.
**** TBW is evaluated by JEDEC workload standard.

Capacity* Model Sequential Read MB/s**
(Up to)
Sequential Write MB/s**
(Up to)
120GB GP-GSTFS31120GNTD / -V 500 380
240GB GP-GSTFS31240GNTD / -V 500 420
256GB GP-GSTFS31256GTND 520 500
480GB GP-GSTFS31480GNTD / -V 550 480
512GB GP-GSTFS31512GNTD-V 550 500
960GB GP-GSTFS31960GNTD-V 550 500
1TB GP-GSTFS31100TNTD 550 500
* Note: 1GB = 1 billion bytes. Actual useable capacity may vary.
** Speeds based on internal testing. Actual performance may vary.
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* 产品颜色可能会因拍照光线误差或屏幕设定而与实际产品有所差异。
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